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Thursday, June 15th
Thurs 8.00pm / Heritage Centre [map]
Tickets €10.00
John Dwyer “Outback Odyssey: Travels Across Hidden Australia – his exciting experiences of less traveled regions of this vast country.”
Rosamund Burton “Whispering Wire: Tracing the Overland Telegraph Line through the Heart of Australia.”
Friday, June 16th
Fri 8.00pm / Heritage Centre [map]
Tickets €20.00
Isabel Conway “Some insights into the life and times of Ireland’s most celebrated travel writer, the late Dervla Murphy, Lismore native, who pioneered a fearless and intrepid go-it-alone attitude to travel.”
Saturday, June 17th
Sat 10.15am / Lismore Library [map]
Tickets FREE
Donald Brady “John Palliser of Comeragh House (1817-1887). Explorer, author, and central figure in the expansion and development of Canada.”
Sat 11.00am / Heritage Centre [map] and Tour of Lismore Castle Gardens.
Tickets €25.00
Matthew Jebb, Director of the Botancial Gardens, “In search of the Gardens of Eden through travelling for plants & a guided tour of Lismore Castle Gardens”
Sat 3.00pm / Heritage Centre [map]
Tickets €20.00
Lara Marlowe “Love in a Time of War, My Years with Robert Fisk and life experiences as a journalist for over 40 years.”
Please note that the Saturday event with Lara Marlowe has sold out, but that an alternative event has now been scheduled for Sunday. See Sunday listing below.
Sat 7.00pm / Heritage Centre [map]
Tickets €20.00
Brian O’Donovan “Divided States of America: My four years in Washington during the Trump Era.”
Sunday, June 18th
Sun 11.00am / Heritage Centre [map]
Tickets €20.00 (including scones / tea / coffee)
Tomi Reichental “Experiences as a child prisoner and holocaust survivor and author of I was a boy in Bergen Belsen”
Event Cancelled
Please note that the event with Tomi Reichental has unfortunately been cancelled. An alternative talk with Lara Marlowe has been arranged in its place. For further information and refund information, please see our news article.
Tickets €20.00
Lara Marlowe “Love in a Time of War, My Years with Robert Fisk and life experiences as a journalist for over 40 years.”
Sun 10.00am / Free
The Lismore Farmers Market takes place on Sunday from 10 am – 4 pm along the Lismore Castle Avenue.