Pico Iyer

Born in Oxford, England, to parents from India, Pico Iyer has been a traveller since birth, commuting as a boy between school and college in England and his parents. home in California, and settling down for the last 20 years in rural Japan. He has written seven books found on the Travel Literature shelves, including Video Night in Kathmandu (cited on many lists of the best travel books ever), The Lady and the Monk (finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award in the category of Current Interest) and The Global Soul (subject of websites and theatrical productions around the world). He has also written the liner-notes for four Leonard Cohen albums, a movie-script for Miramax and the novels Cuba and the Night and Abandon.

For almost a quarter of a century, he has been an essayist for Time magazine, while chronicling his journeys from Ethiopia to Easter Island, from North Korea to Yemen.for National Geographic, Conde Nast Traveler, the Financial Times and more than 150 other magazines and newspapers around the globe. His most recent book, The Open Road, describing more than 30 years of talks and travels with the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, came out in a dozen countries, and was a best-seller across the U.S.

Web Site: www.picoiyerjourneys.com

Details of this year’s festival programme can be found elsewhere on this website.

Thanks to all our sponsors, without whom Immrama would not be possible.

About Lismore Immrama

Immrama is held in Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland, on a weekend in June each year since 2003. Immrama has been dedicated to the art of Travel Writing, Good Music, and Fine Entertainment since its inception. Over the centuries many people have made journeys to and from Lismore and we hope that you will enjoy your lmmram in Lismore.

Contact Information

Tel: +353-86-3618264

E-mail: info@lismoreimmrama.com

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